Covid-Readiness In-Person Service Plans
We are committed to creating a welcoming and safe environment for the entire family to enjoy their Service experience and encounter God. As we meet in-person services, things will look a little different as we take some precautions as a community to make sure everyone is safe. Please read through our policies before attending.
Face Coverings
In accordance with Governor Walz’ executive order as of July 25, we are strongly encouraging everyone (age 6 and older) to wear a face covering while inside our church buildings if you are able. Thank you for taking this little extra step of precaution, not just for ourselves, but so that everyone around us can enjoy our Service experience.
Exceptions to wearing a face covering:
Children 5 years old and under will not need to wear masks.
Children over 5 years in our kids ministry areas will not be required to wear masks, in accordance with the executive order’s exemptions for childcare spaces with a range of ages.
You will not need to wear masks if you have a medical condition or disability that prevents you from wearing one. (YOU DO NOT NEED TO PROVIDE US WITH ANY DETAILS OF YOUR MEDICAL CONDITION)
Anyone who is on the stage performing, speaking or teaching will not be required to wear a mask but will be practicing social distancing
If you forgot to bring yours, do not worry, we will have extra face masks available on-site upon entrance at both of our campuses.
Social Distancing/Capacity
We will be planning for a 50% or less capacity per enclosed space. (Once we get closer to that maximum in any given week, our plan is to open up additional service times to accommodate)
Each individual person will have over 100-200 sq ft of space per person on average in our large church facilities.
We are going to be doing our best to layout and encourage social distancing of at least six feet between people throughout the entire day.
Our auditorium seating procedures have been reset to allow for social distancing. We’ve observed distancing between family units. When you enter the auditorium, you will be ushered to sit socially distanced from other families units.
Before every service, the auditorium and all high-touch surfaces will be disinfected. We will only allow people in the room after that procedure is complete. We will continually wipe down surfaces in the restrooms and other high-touch areas throughout the day.
Hand sanitizing stations are set up throughout the building. We encourage their frequent use.
Touchless/Contactless Church Experience
We encourage you to continue giving online. During services, when we take up our offering, offering envelopes will be available by request, and handed out directly to individuals requesting them by ushers with masks and gloves. You can then drop your envelope in one of our touchless giving kiosks as you exit the auditorium.
We encourage air hugs, waves, smiles and elbow bumps, instead of the traditional shaking hands, hugs, or high fives
If someone gets sick or is exposed (in accordance with CDC guidelines)
If an attendee, volunteer or staff member is diagnosed with Covid-19 within two weeks of attending church, please notify a Central Point Church staff member by phone or email
If Central Point Church staff becomes notified that someone who attended service was diagnosed with Covid-10, we will be asking the diagnosed individual to stay at home and follow doctors orders as to when they should return to church Center or before serving.
We will also be asking which individuals have they been in close contact with, and we will help notify those individuals to also stay at home for at least 14 days, or until they have received test results showing that they do not have Covid-19.
Close contact (exposure), as defined by the CDC, is being within six feet for more than fifteen minutes.
If someone, while on campus, begins displaying commonly known symptoms related to Covid-19, our volunteers will be isolating them and asking them to leave the premises, and helping make sure they go home or to a healthcare facility.
Then we will follow the same process of notifying anyone who has been in close contact with that person, and we will be notifying local health officials.
We will also close off the areas used by the sick person and will not use that area until after cleaning and disinfecting.
We will not be releasing the identities of individuals who notify us of any sickness. Instead, we will be maintaining confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and HIPPA laws.
Children 2-3 years old will have a space just for them, with hand sanitizer and handwashing breaks. All volunteers will be wearing masks.
Children 4 years through 5th grade in kids ministry will be in small groups for their lessons and games, and teachers and volunteers will be wearing masks. There will be frequent handwashing breaks.
During the check-in process before entering the kids wing, a volunteer will check you in, and you will not need to touch any screen. We will be taking your child’s temperatures with touchless thermometers, and asking a verbal wellness screening check.
Parents who do need to enter kids wing at any point during the service will also follow the temperature and wellness check process.
Students or parents with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will be kindly asked to join us for our online church experience for the day instead of staying on campus.