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Matthew 18:20

For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”


In a time of prayer and desperation to see God touch our hearts, our land, and His church; our monthly gatherings were birthed. We believe spiritual hunger must be followed by intentional availability, and that is what we are doing, making room for the King’s dwelling place. Although it would be an honor to host God’s presence, we believe He (Jesus) is the host, and we are the invited who have been called to the table to gleam from the beauty of His splendor, to know Him and to be known by him. As we gather, we do not demand an outcome or result, rather, we lean into His desires with thanksgiving, agreeing with his agenda and declarations over each month through prayer, and a time of fasting. We believe it’s Gods desire to meet with us, to restore our lives through His healing touch, to release spiritual impartations, to mantle revivalists, and to equip builders with the tools to rebuild the ruined cities, so that every nation and tribe would have a dwelling place of the Lord. It's Gods promise to us in Matthew 18:20, that when we gather, He will come.

Image by Clay Banks
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