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Fasting resets our minds, hearts, and appetites on the things of the Lord.

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Why do we fast?

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that calls us to deny the desires of our flesh and fill ourselves up with God, His Word, and His presence. Fasting isn’t a time of emptiness but spiritual abundance! We fast to draw closer to God and magnify His desires above our own.

Fasting is one of the most powerful tools we have access to. It is a direct partnership with the Holy Spirit to extinguish our flesh and draw us deeper into the will of God. At Mercy Culture, we constantly give the Holy Spirit the whole room. By fasting, we are permanently creating more room for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives by replacing fleshly things with the Holy Spirit. It is a way we can touch heaven. Think of it as spring cleaning for your spirit.

Watch how Isaac connects with God through Fasting!

Grow in how you connect with God

Learning how we connect with God shows us how we can enter into His presence daily. While you may have a best way to connect with Him, you can connect with God in all the ways. Use this guide below to help you grow in connecting with God through Fasting by pairing it with your favorite way.

  • Fasting + Adoration

    In your daily time with the Lord, exalt Him above what you’re denying yourself. Spend time declaring that He is holy and worthy of your praise. We worship the Lord because of who He is, not in response to our feelings. You will be tempted, but use that temptation as a reminder to set your eyes on the Lord. As you fast, no matter what you are feeling or missing, He is still worthy of your praise.

  • Fasting + Meditation

    Saturate yourself in the Lord’s presence as you fast. Reflect on what He might be asking you to withhold during your fast and be sure to meditate on Scripture in place of those things--whether it be food, social media, or anything else. You withhold during a fast to fill yourself up with the Lord, not to remain empty.

  • Fasting + Creation

    As you fast, be sure to spend time in God’s creation. Explore a new outdoor area for each new fast you begin. If possible, meet the Lord in that new space during each fast and allow Him to minister to you through His creation. Don’t let your fast keep you withdrawn and inside, but instead, go outside, breathe the fresh air, and go on an adventure with the Lord, even if it’s just down the street.

  • Fasting + Movement

    When fasting food, let the Lord be your energy source for all forms of movement. Don’t let any restrictions keep you from connecting with God the way you were created to! He wouldn’t have made you to connect with Him through movement if you were to remain still during a fast. Let your movement minister to the Lord and fill you up. He will sustain you!

  • Fasting + Expression

    Seek the Lord’s heart for what you are to create in your time of fasting. Let your expression be a sacrifice and work unto the Lord and His name alone. As you fast and suppress your own desires, spend time in the Lord’s presence, magnifying His spirit and allowing Him to be woven into your creative expression. Be willing to fast a certain creative expression or explore a new creative outlet as He leads. Remember, you are not your expression. You belong to the Lord!

  • Fasting + Conversation

    The Lord wants to hear from you during your fast! Let him hear how you’re feeling, your emotions, what’s on your mind, what you’re contending for, and anything else that comes up in your spirit. Lean into your daily encounters with him and don’t pass up a moment to talk to Him. Leave space to hear His voice. Even if you don’t hear anything back, don’t assume He’s not listening. There is purpose in His roar just as there is purpose in His silence.

  • Fasting + Solitude

    Get alone with God! Have a regular meeting place with the Lord during your fast. Be with Him for no other reason than just to soak in His presence. When you’re fasting, don’t let other distractions fill the spaces you have set aside for the Lord. Let Him see you fully in the silence. Keep nothing hidden from Him! Don’t fear what He might reveal in your time of fasting. It’s in our weakness that He is magnified.

  • Fasting + Learning

    Lean into your questions during your fast. Now is the time to ask and seek God’s heart. Be sure to also take time to put aside the things you want to ask Him and rest in His presence, for no other reason than just to be with Him. He delights in your questions and in being with you! As you encounter the Lord each day, ask Him what is on His heart for you to learn that day. Let Him guide you in your pursuit to learn and know more about Him.

  • Fasting + Reformation

    Fasting is one of the ways a reformer can put their prayers into action. Ask God what specific burdens He wants you to fast for. Petition heaven during your fast! Let the Lord be your guide for the type of fast you should do and for how long. Lean into your daily encounters. Ask God if there are any specific actions He wants you to take during this fast. Should you be engaging in prayer walks each day? Is there a specific place He wants to engage your heart? Be flexible and let Him guide you.

  • Fasting + Remembrance:

    Use the past victories you have experienced with God as fuel for your spiritual growth. He has done it before and He will do it again. Take the time to explore what God has done throughout the Bible and plant your faith in the scriptures the Holy Spirit highlights. Remind God what He has done in the past by praying scripture and putting a demand on Him to move as He once did. Ask the Holy Spirit what events in the Bible relate to your fast and what you are supposed to take away from them.

  • Fasting + Compassion:

    Fasting makes room for God to fill us with compassion so we can then pour it out on others. While you fast, lean into God’s heart for you and others. We can’t be the hands and feet of Jesus when we work in our flesh. Fasting is a way to replace the flesh and allow us to be a more accurate representation of Jesus to those we minister to.

Image by Clay Banks
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