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Image by Cortney Chummoungpak

Where It began



From 2010, The Sargents have had the privilege and honor of partnering with ministries and non-profits to reach those far from God through outreach and events.

Over the course of years, God placed a deep burden on their hearts not only to see lives transformed, but to help build a solid foundation to stand on. They knew that could only happen when you do life with people, so they began to dedicate their focus on serving and growing with the local body.

In that time they had the honor of not only growing from amazing leaders and pastors, but also had the privilege of serving in the ministries of the church which included children and youth, various ministries within the church, leadership development, serving on Pastoral teams, as well as serving as lead pastors over church plants.


The years spent serving other ministries had been nothing short of miraculous. They have seen God move and transform the lives of thousands. Not only did they see that for others, but God has transformed their lives along the way. 


Each season of their lives took them into deeper into a place of trust with God and every adventure began with a yes to do His will and to surrender their lives for His glory.

With the blessings of their Pastors and their families they were so excited to step out in faith to launch Central Point Church in Thomasville, Ga.


In 2020, they started the church plant which began with a year of renovating the CPC Center and discipling and growing with those who would launch the church with them. In May of 2021, Central Point Church opened its doors for gatherings. 

The Sargent's are excited for what is before them now as well as what's to come for the future church here in Thomasville and beyond!



We believe God has you here for a purpose, your life matters, and the God of your future is far greater than the enemy of your past. We consider it one our greatest honors to pray for you, to see you through Gods lens, and to serve you with the gifts, talents, and love God has graciously given us.Coming to this website means you're perhaps searching, hungry, or maybe looking for a company of people where you feel you can be all Gods created you for. As Shepards to this house, we are here to serve and lead you to the groom, to fan the flames in the hearts of a generation. We look forward to meeting you soon and joining Gods mission together.

Image by Clay Banks
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