We love to tell the story of Jesus, bring the Bible to life, and partner with parents and guardians!

Bonnie Sargent
Arrow Kids Director
Arrow Kids Experience
We are passionate about connecting with kids and them connecting with Jesus in a real, tangible, authentic way.
Worship Experience
Our worship is filled with praise, dance, kid instruments, and excitement praising our Lord!
Bible Experience
We desire the living word of God to be presented in a way that the children can understand , grow from, and use in their everyday lives.
Reaching Our World Locally & Globally
We believe the scripture that says our children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. We believe through knowing Jesus in a real way and knowing their identity in Christ, they will be like arrows sent out by God to pierce darkness with light and fear with love.
We train our children to impact the world around them near and far.
We believe a child's faith is just as impactful and life transforming as an adults.

Psalm 127:3-4
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.

Our nursery classroom, Hope Kids, is staffed with professional, caring adults who provide a safe and secure environment conducive to the child’s physical, social and spiritual growth. When you are confident in leaving your baby in the care of our Tribe, you are able to worship with a sense of security. During services, your child will be in the care of several trained volunteers, all of whom meet required background standards. We have also taken great care to prepare our nursery rooms to be the best environment for your baby with age appropriate toys, and an opportunity to interact with others. In every service, we pray for them to receive all that God has for them in life. We believe every child we pray for will be touched by God. CPC considers the nursery to be an important area of ministry, both for the parent and the child.
6 Weeks - Pre K

Our Like Kids class is intentional in bible reading and understanding, learning to listen to Holy Spirit, and intentional prayers of faith for praises, needs, and miracles. We understand this age is where a foundation starts to form of who God is and if He is truly real and present with us. We pursue teaching the word and its infallible truth, experiencing God, and the mission to love and share Jesus with others. There is lots of dancing and fun in worship, games, and crafts. At different seasons of the year, children are encouraged to minister through performance or other resources to share and grow their faith.
K - 3rd Grade

At this time our Transformation Kids are encouraged to join Life Kids or if they desire, engage in our Sunday Worship Experience. As we grow in children this age and also volunteers, Transformation Kids class will reopen.
4th - 7th Grade